Many people often try to avoid life insurance, yet it must be discussed and planned for. Everyone is going to die one day, so it’s best to be prepared for when that day happens. You must file a claim if you are in charge of a life insurance policy for a loved one who has recently passed away. However, in addition to your grief, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed and nervous about the claim process itself. What exactly does the life insurance claim process entail?
Contact Your Life Insurance Agent
Although each insurance company handles claims differently, most of them are very similar. You will need to obtain a copy of the loved one’s death certificate to give to the insurance company as proof of the cause of death. Once you’ve gathered that, you can report the death to the insurance agency. You will be required to complete a packet of information, which you will return upon completion. Once you’ve completed the claim packet, you’ll need to choose a payout method. Depending on the insurance company, you can opt to be paid in a lump sum or payments.
Wait for Your Payout
Life insurance companies typically have 30 days to process a claim and make payouts. Still, once you’ve completed the claim packet accurately, you can expect payment to arrive in about 7–10 days.
As you can see, the life insurance claim process is pretty uncomplicated, so you shouldn’t allow it to intimidate you. If you’re in the Nashville, NC, area and looking for a new insurance provider, you might want to check us out at Hedgepeth-Hutson Insurance Services Inc. We at Hedgepeth-Hutson Insurance Services Inc. have been in business for a while, offering high-quality service and policies. We provide coverage for Nashville, NC, so give us a call today for a quote.